Ferrari Maserati Lamborghini

Aston martin  F1 E-Gear selespeed

actuator rebuild service specialist

Part No: 177687 179141 179533 177686 181160 185086 193477 248084 247224 226556 248412 247224  

World Record
Our rebuilt Ferrari F430 F1s Scuderia actuator holds the world record at 43.3mS by GTE Engineering using  "GTE F1s Superfast TM."


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Partnerships & Affiliations


We are the world leader in service, repair rebuilt & diagnostic for hydraulic actuators for F1 & E-Gear systems. Specialized in Ferrari, Maserati, Lamborghini, R8 Audi & Aston Martin as well all Selespeed system in other cars.

Working close with Dealers, Independent shops, and Racing Teams for many years... With hands-on experience for over 15+ years, and with a state of the art 3000sf Workshop is where we install and diagnose F1 Systems.
-No one has more experience than GTE Engineering. Many claim rebuilding we make it work…

Whatsapp for international communication

Automotive parts manufacturing & assembly. Logistic partners: UPS, DHL, FedEx. Registered, Licensed & Insured Automotive Repair Workshop in Orange NJ, USA.  Member of  NJMEP.